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Teachers who took part in professional development training aimed at helping to close learning gaps are, front row, from left: Emily Goldman (Lyndon Town School, Grades 3 and 4), Monica Dicks (Lyndon Town School, Grade K), Sandy Alaimo (East Rochester School, Special Education), Emily Lauer William Allen School, Grade 5), Holly Bogardus (McClelland School, Special Education), Jessica Jeffers, OGAP Trainer from Alabama. Back row, from left: Katrina Locke (School Street School, Grade 4), Samantha Cohen (McClelland School, Special Education), Donna Campbell (Charlestown Primary School, Title 1 Math), Jill Berry (Lincoln Akerman School, Grade 2), Mary Durant (Lincoln Akerman School, SAU 21, K-6), Kim Barnham (East Rochester School, Special Education) Sarah Bean (Lyndon Town School, Grades 3&4), Tracy Hall (Acorn School,  Pre-K and Grade K). (Photo Courtesy Rochester Public Schools)
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Rochester Schoot District Seal est. 1751
Rochester School District est. 1751 seal image
Rochester Rotary President, Kerry Norton, hands out books to School Street School 1st graders
Paul working with his ROV