Charger Spotlight: Snowman Skills It has been way too cold this week to get students out but we have this masterpiece from before vacation. :)
23 days ago, Mrs. Downs
Thank you to all of our holiday readers for taking the time and reading to our students. Merry Christmas!
about 2 months ago, Mrs. Downs
Holiday Readers
Officer Bibeau will be here regularly as part of RPD's Adopt a School program. Thank you Officer Bibeau and welcome to Chamberlain!
2 months ago, Mrs. Downs
Officer Bibeau
Charger Spotlight: Mrs. Arsenault’s class got a big thank you for helping pack up the book fair. When the book fair employees came by to pack up, Mrs. Aresnault’s class eagerly volunteered to help for a few minutes to carry books to the front of the building and even thanked the employees for the book fair. They wanted to show their appreciation for such helpful and polite kiddos.
2 months ago, Mrs. Downs
CSS families, This information sheet and forms will be coming home. Two order forms will be sent home but feel free to make copies if you'd like to buy more.
2 months ago, Mrs. Downs
Candy Grams
Candy gram form
Charger spotlight: Thank you to Mrs. Aubert and all our community volunteers that helped run the book fair this week and the Spaulding students who helped break down the book faire at the end of the week.
2 months ago, Mrs. Downs
Charger spotlight: A big thank you to Santa who stopped by to meet with boys and girls during the Chamberlain snowflake social
2 months ago, Mrs. Downs
Charger spotlight: A big thank you to the PTA and all the volunteers from the high school and our own student council that helped setup and and cleaned up at the snowflake social.
2 months ago, Mrs. Downs
Charger Spotlight: A big thank you to the PTA and all the volunteers from the high school and our own student council that helped setup and and cleaned up at the snowflake social.
2 months ago, Mrs. Downs
Please take a look at our Christmas Wishes flyer.
3 months ago, Mrs. Downs
Christmas wishes
12/5 will be Disney Day here at CSS to celebrate Walt Disney's birthday! All students and staff are invited to wear Disney attire.
3 months ago, Mrs. Downs
Disney Day
Chamberlain staff is so thankful for the kind and dedicated things their students are doing Charger Spotlights Ms. Locke's class earned a turkey today and one student is showing amazing progress. Ms. Higbe is thankful for how kind and supportive one of her student's is. Dr. Hubner is thankful for a student who took the time to write him a note.
3 months ago, Mrs. Downs
Thank you to our CSS community, Hannaford and Going Places by Guyer Travel for contributing to make Thanksgiving special for 22 families this year!
3 months ago, Mrs. Downs
Thank You!
Join us for the PTA Snowflake Social!
3 months ago, Mrs. Downs
Snowflake Social
We want to thank all the staff for helping honor our veterans last week.
3 months ago, Mrs. Downs
Please see the notice from Ms. McIntyre about the holiday concert.
3 months ago, Mrs. Downs
Holiday Concert
Hello CSS families, This is a reminder that photo ID is required for all early dismissals. Someone may have picked up a student in the past but we have new staff and sometimes staff filling in when needed. Be prepared to be asked for photo ID and understand this is for the safety of our students and your child. If someone other than a parent is dismissing a student early, the office must have a note or phone call from the parent giving permission for the student to be released. This also applies if the adult dismissing is on your child's pick up list. The adults listed on the pick up list may pick up your child at regular dismissal at 3pm or in the case of an emergency and you cannot be reached.
3 months ago, Mrs. Downs
We're in the final stretch collecting items for families for Thanksgiving. Please consider donating, this assists CSS families directly. Here is the gofundme link.
3 months ago, Mrs. Downs
Please check our lost and found as items will be donated next Tuesday.
3 months ago, Mrs. Downs
Lost and found
3 months ago, Mrs. Downs
Book Fair