give me five

Over the next two weeks, our  school community will be learning and applying a universal sign in order to efficiently gain student attention. Students will be learning how to ¨give five¨, as well as the importance of this technique in ensuring our mighty macs are ready to learn. When a staff member says, ¨give me five!¨ it is expected that all students will follow the following five expectations; 

  1. Eyes on the speaker

  2. Mouth is quiet

  3. Ears are listening

  4. Hands are free

  5. Body is still.  

Students will come home with a blank ¨Give Me Five¨ hand. Talk to your student about ¨Give Me Five¨ and have him/her label each part of the hand with one of the expectations, then decorate. Send the hand back into school to be apart of our ¨Gobbling-up Fives¨ display.