trusted adult

Trusted Adults - MTSS Tier I Rollout

"Every child deserves a champion – an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection, and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be." - Rita Pierson

Strong relationships provide a foundation for student engagement, belonging and ultimately learning.  Developing strong and caring relationships is key to trust.  At McClelland our goal is to be sure all students have at least three trusting adults at school.

Throughout the month of November students will participate in a variety of activities to allow them to learn more about staff and interact in meaningful ways.  The launch of our Trusted Adults rollout took place in Technology class this week where Mrs. Syphers showed a slideshow including all members of our staff.  

Here's an example of what each slide has on it:

Looking for a list of our full staff?  You can find our staff list on our school website here.

Be sure to ask your child what they’ve learned about members of our team and who their trusted adults are!