Happy Monday WAS Families, In this week's newsletter, we ask that you look at ways in which you might be able to help volunteer within the school day or at a time that works wit...
Good Morning WAS Families, We are sending out our 3rd summer newsletter, which can be found on our website or by directly clicking here . This week, we are sending out all the...
Good Afternoon WAS Families, We are sending out our 2nd summer newsletter, which can be found on our website or by directly clicking here. You will see that student attendance...
Good Afternoon WAS Families, A big welcome to all of the new families joining us this year, especially our new incoming Kindergarten families! For all families, please contact t...
The Joint Building Committee wishes to provide the community with the following update about efforts to build a new K-5 elementary school.
Following a comprehensive review, C...
The Rochester School district is excited to offer additional FREE learning opportunities to all interested students this summer. This program will offer academically targeted ...
Rochester Listens and Rochester Mental Health Alliance invite you to a community conversation about mental health. Please consider attending to help create a more supportive and ...
The Rochester Fire Department is pleased to announce that October 9-15, 2022 is Fire Prevention Week. The theme set by the National Fire Protection Association is ‘Fire Won’t Wait...
The Rochester School Department has joined over 22 million children and adults around the globe in 197 countries to celebrate International Dot Day – a grassroots “creativity a...
Families are loving our new app! Once downloaded, everyone can easily access documents, news updates, and even emergency notifications. You can customize alerts for the schools t...
If you are looking for a collaborative and fun environment for your next career move, please consider coming to our Job Fairs. We are hiring for all positions!
The National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day aims to provide a safe, convenient, and responsible means of disposing of prescription drugs, while also educating the general public ...
Dear Rochester SD Member,
This surveyprovides a profile of perspectives and experiences in your school district. Results provide district leaders with quality feedback that can...
Last week members of the NH School Funding Fairness Project shared a Rochester-specific presentation with school officials and members of the public relative to how our schools ar...
Rochester Public Schools, in collaboration with the New Hampshire School Funding Fairness Project, invites the community to participate in a forum about education funding inequiti...
The New Hampshire Department of Education values your feedback and wants to hear from you! The 603 Bright Futures Survey is an opportunity to hear from families, staff, and our co...
The NH DOE notified districts today that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated its requirement for face masks on school buses. Effective immediately, the wearing ...