MSMS Remote Learning Day Assignments

Remote Learning Day assignments are posted in students' grade level Google Classrooms

Students should log in to their grade level Google Classroom during Remote Learning Days by 8:30 am to view assignments and expectations/times for Google Meet (live instruction). 

For parents and students, daily lessons that are covered are located on the grade level Google Classrooms. 

Access to most applications or websites can be accessed through the Clever single sign-on ( Click on "log in as student" and then log in with your child's Google username and password. 

Student login information for Google Classroom and other applications and websites have been sent home again with students.

If you need this information again, please reach out to your child's classroom teacher by EMAIL or the main office (332-6481).

MSMS Google Classroom Links

MSMS Remote Learning Schedule 2023-2024

** In the event your class has Library, please click HERE to access Independent Library work!


Google Classroom

Ms. Wheeler

Kindergarten Class

Mrs. Lovasco

1st Grade Class

Mrs. Crossley

2nd Grade Class

Mrs. Lancey

3rd Grade Class

Mrs. Farkas

4th Grade Class

Mrs. Devoid

5th Grade Class

KINDERGARTEN Specials/French

Kindergarten Class

MSMS Music (Grades 1-5)

MSMS Music Class

MSMS Art (Grades 1-5)

MSMS Art Class

MSMS P.E. (Grades 1-5)

MSMS P.E. Class

MSMS Technology (Grades 1-5)


French (Grades 1-5)

MSMS French