Kids Heart Challenge Fundraiser

Kids Heart Challenge Fundraiser

Dear Families,                                                                                                                         

William Allen School is excited to kick off our Kids Heart Challenge fundraiser! Your child is becoming a Heart Hero by taking care of his or her own heart, spreading the message of the American Heart Association, and raising funds for lifesaving research. Our school is joining thousands of others to wipe out heart disease through KHC! Collection envelopes are being sent home with each student. Also, feel free to help them by creating an online account which is super fun and super easy! You can find information on the website at . Students are encouraged to ask family and friends for donations but are told that is very important to make sure that they only ask people that they know and never go to a stranger’s house.

Collection envelopes are due back to their classroom teacher for their PE class on April 15th. Every donation helps. Your child can assist the AHA in getting closer to doing the very important research needed in the field of heart disease and stroke prevention.


Thank you William Allen School Families!                    

Judy Drew Physical Education Teacher