McClelland Open House

Happy Birthday Sonara! #birthdayselfie

McClelland Open House is on Monday October 23rd from 5:00-6:30pm.
Please enter through the main entrance. See you there!

Happy Birthday Noah! #birthdayselfie

Thank you Mrs Tansey for presenting to our PTA about Multi-Tiered Systems of Support!

Ms. Clark's Second Grade had fun acting out “The Tiger, the Brahman, and the Jackal” from their Early Asian Civilizations unit in CKLA!

Thank you to our amazing custodians Bill, Phil, Paul, George and Joe!

5T is combining transparent tracking with SWOB and will be tracking our progress with guests over the next month when Mrs. Tansey is out!

It is important to note that last year’s meal benefits stop on October 13, 2023 unless a new application is submitted for the 2023-2024 school year. A family cannot qualify if an application has not been submitted.
We ask that you please fill out a F&R application by clicking on this link - Free & Reduced Application: https://www.myschoolapps.com/
Please do not hesitate to contact April Buckley (buckley.a@sau54.org or (603) 332-0757 x 2130), our Free and Reduced Lunch Clerk. All applications are confidential and only reviewed by Ms. Buckley.

Second grade enjoyed learning about the career of a bee keeper and all of the roles and responsibilities bees have within their community.

Third graders read Wind in the Willows which featured hedgehogs as one of the characters. Tiggy York visited today.

TRYing our math session a different way today!
The TRY IT component of an iReady math lesson is key to students making sense of problems.

Check out Lincoln sharing a math strategy!

Second grade is trying out interactive iReady tutorials to add by counting on!

Happy Birthday Charlotte! #birthdayselfie

Better Together as we Make our Mark!
Shout out to Ms. Buchajkian for working on dots during Art class.

In honor of Constitution Day 5T made promises to our school and each other.

More Dot Day fun!

Our amazing third grade team!

Happy Birthday TJ! #birthdayselfie