Happy Monday WAS Families, In this week's newsletter, we ask that you look at ways in which you might be able to help volunteer within the school day or at a time that works with your schedule. Please consider volunteering in whatever capacity you can.
about 1 month ago, Dustin Gray
Hello WAS Families, Just a reminder that tomorrow (Friday, June 7th) is a crazy hat and crazy hair day for students! This is a school wide incentive for students as we reached our fundraising goal of $5000 for school enrichment activities.
3 months ago, Dustin Gray
WAS Families, 1) Our school store is open for families to order gear for spring and summer. The store closes on May 12th. https://collinssports.chipply.com/williamallenapparel/store.aspx?eid=295275&action=viewall 2) This is educator appreciation week. There are many ideas online that are both meaningful and affordable. If you are looking for ways to show appreciation for all teachers in your child's life, including their classroom teacher and beyond... - Small gift cards for coffee, smoothies, etc... are always a great option. - Send the teacher an email to say thanks and one way they have made a difference. - Help "Build a Bouquet" by bringing in a flower. - Work with your child to do a thank you card/picture. - Small, prewrapped treats are always appreciated, like a favorite candy or soda. Remember, it takes a village, and when you are thinking of people to thank, you can keep it very small or large to include paraprofessionals, secretaries, lunchroom staff, and custodians as well.
4 months ago, Dustin Gray
Educator Appreciation
Good Afternoon WAS Families, With the impending weather forecast tomorrow, we will move the fun run indoors to the gym. Unfortunately, due to the nature of how the course will be set up, we will not be able to invite families this year. We will post photos of the event in the next newsletter. Thank you for understanding.
5 months ago, Dustin Gray
Please share this with potential Kindergarten families.
5 months ago, SAU 54 Admin
K registration
WAS Families, Please check our school website for our most recent March 27, 2024 newsletter. You can also cut and paste the link directly from here: https://www.smore.com/n/xrwnj
6 months ago, Dustin Gray
WAS Families, A reminder that there is no school tomorrow, 3/12/24, as it is a teacher workshop day! Please check our school website for our most recent March 11, 2024 newsletter. You can also cut and paste the link directly from here: https://www.smore.com/n/gdx3j
6 months ago, Dustin Gray
Good Afternoon WAS Families, We have had some recent inquiries into the Maple Street Magnet School process. Here is the information that has been shared. 01/29/24 Application packets for prospective families can be picked up at the Superintendent’s Office (150 Wakefield St.). 01/31/24 MSMS Family Information Night @ the Maple Street Magnet School, 5:30 - 6:30pm. 3/08/24 Deadline to return application packets to the Superintendent’s Office for the MSMS Lottery. 3/14/24 The MSMS lottery drawing will take place. We hope that you find this information helpful... Sincerely, The William Allen School
6 months ago, Dustin Gray
WAS Families, Please check our school website for our most recent March 4, 2024 newsletter. You can also cut and paste the link directly from here: https://www.smore.com/n/q5cnp
7 months ago, Dustin Gray
Good Afternoon WAS Families, Please join us on February 21st, 5:30-7 pm, for Dr. Corriss and his presentation, Healthy Habits Around ADHD/Anxiety. Below is the link to register. Pizza and childcare will be provided to families that register before 2:00 on 2/20/24 using the link below. Hope to see you there. https://forms.gle/34CHS3kgRzTUCPgw9
7 months ago, Dustin Gray
WAS Families, The First Day of Career Week was a success, "We've Got Big Dreams!" Reminder: tomorrow is "Future Roomies Day." Students should dress up as a twin with a friend. An alternative is to "twin" yourself with a future profession (i.e., dress up like a doctor).
7 months ago, Dustin Gray
Good Afternoon WAS Families, Please join us on February 21st, 5:30-7 pm, for Dr. Corriss and his presentation, Healthy Habits Around ADHD/Anxiety. Below is the link to register. Pizza and childcare will be provided to families that register ahead of time before 2:00 on 2/20/24 using the link below. Hope to see you there. https://forms.gle/34CHS3kgRzTUCPgw9
7 months ago, Dustin Gray
Good Morning WAS Families, Please see the attached flyer for next week's district-wide spirit week. Monday- Favorite Pajama Day Tuesday- Twin Day Wednesday- Animal Clothing Thursday- Bright Colors Friday- Any/All Denim
7 months ago, Dustin Gray
Tri-City Spirit week
Hello WAS Families, Just sending out a quick reminder that today is an Early Release Day, 12:15 pickup. Sincerely, William Allen School
7 months ago, Dustin Gray
Dear WAS Families, PRESS RELEASE – SURVEY Superintendent Search Process Underway – Parents and Community Invited to Participate. The Rochester School Department has engaged the New England School Development Council (NESDEC) to assist them in the search process for a new Superintendent of Schools. An integral part of the process involves parent and community participation in an online survey. The survey is designed to obtain participant input about the attributes, experience, and knowledge that the new superintendent should possess. The survey also provides an opportunity for participants to identify immediate tasks which the new superintendent should address. Please access the survey at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/D5CKK2G The survey will be open from now until Monday February 26, 2024 All comments from the online survey are considered anonymous. NESDEC will organize responses by group (administrators, staff, parents, community members, students, etc.). The responses will be provided to the School Board in a community needs assessment report, which will be used to inform the Successful Candidate Profile. The Rochester School Board appreciates the public’s involvement in the Superintendent Search process and looks forward to hearing community members’ views.
8 months ago, Dustin Gray
Kindergarten registration opens on February 1st. Please register early to reserve your spot at your zoned school. https://bit.ly/422eHap
8 months ago, SAU 54 Admin
K registration
Your perspectives and feedback are integral to the district's Strategic Planning process. This survey closes TOMORROW January 12, 2024. To get your input, we ask that you complete this brief survey. http://tinyurl.com/RochesterSDF23
8 months ago, SAU 54 Admin
RSD news
Consider participating in our strategic planning. https://bit.ly/3TvkR0p
9 months ago, SAU 54 Admin
Strategic Planning image
Happy Thanksgiving - https://bit.ly/46qj3ZD
10 months ago, SAU 54 Admin
Happy Thanksgiving card
WAS Families, Here is the correct newsletter link: https://www.smore.com/dyq80 A reminder that today is an early release day, 12:15 pickup. No school on Friday as we observe Veteran's Day. Next Wednesday, November 15th, is our annual Family Math Night, 5:00-6:00 and PIZZA!
10 months ago, Dustin Gray