MSMS Holiday Concert is TONIGHT at RMS. This event will be streamed LIVE on our YouTube channel, go to: Masks will be required for this event. Per School Board - students and staff will be required to wear masks while indoors through Friday, 12/10
about 3 years ago, Maple Street Magnet School
Holiday Concert Reminder
MSMS PTA Annual Holiday Shop On Friday, December 17th we will have a Holiday Shop open to all students who would like to purchase inexpensive gifts for their families. The gifts will be wrapped and sent home with the students so that they can place them under their tree. We are asking parents in each grade to donate gently used items that you may have around your house that would make great Christmas gifts for parents/guardians, brothers & sisters. Please make sure the items you send in are washed and ready to wrap. WHEN: Friday, December 17th (Students will have the opportunity to wrap gifts on this day) DONATIONS: Can be brought in/on by 12/13 (If you wish to provide a monetary donation, please make checks payable to MSMS PTA)
about 3 years ago, Maple Street Magnet School
MSMS Holiday Concert is 12/7 at RMS - Students should arrive between 6:15 /6:30pm. Doors will not open to families until 6:30pm. ***PLEASE NOTE: Masks will be required for this event. Per School Board policy, masks will be required while indoors through Friday, 12/10***
about 3 years ago, Maple Street Magnet School
Please remember to utilize the RSD daily screener each day in order to keep our school safe!
about 3 years ago, Maple Street Magnet School
Maple Street Magnet School's Holiday Concert will be at RMS on Tuesday, 12/7/21! Hope to see you there! ***Please note: Masks will be required for this event. Per School Board policy students and staff will be required to wear masks while indoors through Friday, December 10th.
about 3 years ago, Maple Street Magnet School
Holiday Concert
Good evening MSMS Families! Please join us remotely tomorrow morning, December 3rd, from 8:30 - 8:50 for our school-wide morning meeting! Our 4th graders will be presenting! Check your email for the Google Meet link. Hope to see you there!
about 3 years ago, Maple Street Magnet School
Maple Street Magnet School's Holiday Concert will be at RMS, next Tuesday, 12/7/21! Hope to see you there!
about 3 years ago, Maple Street Magnet School
Holiday Concert Reminder
Friendly reminder, there is no school 11/24 - 11/26. From our family to yours, have a great Thanksgiving!
about 3 years ago, Maple Street Magnet School
Friendly reminder! Don't forget to bring in items by next Friday, 12/3 for the Holiday Concert Raffle Baskets. Kindergarten: Family game night items 1st grade: Arts & crafts items 2nd grade: Baking items 3rd grade: Fun with science (anything involved in science experiments) 4th grade: Sports items 5th grade: Movie night items
about 3 years ago, Maple Street Magnet School
Holiday Raffle Baskets
WE NEED YOUR HELP! Holiday Concert Raffle Baskets During the holiday concert we will be having a raffle. We are asking parents in each grade to donate to the class raffle basket. Please donate what you are comfortable with. Thanks for all your help! Grade Baskets Kindergarten- Family Game Night items First Grade- Arts and Craft items Second Grade- Baking items Third Grade- Fun with Science items (anything involved in science experiments) Fourth Grade- Sports items Fifth Grade- Movie night items Please return items by Friday December 3rd. Items can be dropped off at the school.
about 3 years ago, Maple Street Magnet School
Raffle Flier
Today the 7-Day Test Positivity has reached 10% or higher for the second consecutive day in a row (10.3% & 11%). Per school board policy relative to masks, all students and staff will wear masks while indoors for five days. Masks will be required tomorrow, November 18th through November 23rd. Stay tuned for additional alerts related
over 3 years ago, SAU 54 Admin
Good evening MSMS Families! Please join us remotely tomorrow morning, November 5th, from 8:30 - 8:50 for our school-wide morning meeting! Our Kindergartners will be presenting our Kindness Rollout! Check your email for the Google Meet link. Hope to see you there!
over 3 years ago, Maple Street Magnet School
Join us Tuesday, November 2nd, from 6:00 - 7:00pm for our monthly PTA meeting! Check your email for the link!
over 3 years ago, Maple Street Magnet School
Join us tonight from 6:00 - 7:00pm for our monthly PTA meeting! Join us remotely:
over 3 years ago, Maple Street Magnet School
Shout out to our 2nd grade class! They improved their math fluency skills as a class by 50% since August 20th! Great job everyone!
over 3 years ago, Maple Street Magnet School
2nd Grade
Don't forget to register for our annual Charleston Wrap Fundraiser today! Online orders ship directly to the purchaser! Fundraiser ends 10/20/21! Help us reach our reach our goal!
over 3 years ago, Maple Street Magnet School
CW Reminder
Don't forget to order your new school apparel before time and stock run out! Click on the link below to order yours now!
over 3 years ago, Maple Street Magnet School
Show your school spirit with an order from Collin's Sports! Order soon before they run out of stock! Deadline: Thursday 10/14/21 1. Scan the QR code or go online to 2. Choose your items and add them to your cart 3. Securely checkout with your credit card
over 3 years ago, Maple Street Magnet School
Collin's flier p.1
Collin's Flier p.2
Register for our annual Charleston Wrap Fundraiser today! Online orders ship directly to the purchaser! Check out the flier for more information and be sure to check your child's bag for their fundraising packet!
over 3 years ago, Maple Street Magnet School
Online Fundraiser
Join us for our monthly PTA meeting, Tuesday, September 7th, remotely using Google Meet from 6:00pm - 7:00pm! Check out our PTA page on our website for the meeting link!
over 3 years ago, Maple Street Magnet School
MSMS Boundless